When you analyze the traffic of a website you can see where the traffic comes from. Typically, the analytics platforms as Google Analytics or SimilarWeb show you 5 sources of traffic: Search, Social Organic, Display, and Email, also we have direct traffic but that kind of traffic is not by referral as the others. Normally, from all of the referral traffic sources, email is one of the lesser referrals in comparison with social and search. Clearly having channels such as Youtube, Google, or Facebook among the top 3 websites most visited for almost one decade, we can find the reason because social and search are the top referral sources.
But email is one of these distribution channels that is converting into an effective media channel. While the Internet users keep growing the email users too. This contrast with the “announcement of its death” decades ago (Which it is absurd because email is the unique form of registration in the web) with some media implementing the email as a good way to distribute content. This is the case with newspapers such as The New York Times or El País and exclusive email daily digest as The Morning Brew.
A Study realized to marketers, they answered (82%) that the email is a great content distribution channel. Another report shows that marketers in november 2019 saw an increase in email engagement in comparison with the previous year. The same reports reflect that the emails are also a good brand-connection channel.These are great starting points.
That same report said that the investment in email marketing would increase by the next years. Although early in the 2020 we were impacted by the pandemic the rise of email has been continuous despite the lockdowns and some restrictions to facing the pandemic.
Having written that, email marketing is a good way to engage with your clients. You have different mechanisms or tactics that you can use for that aim (reach your clients). The most common, obviously, is the simple/ basic email with the subject line with paragraphs with information and some photos or quotes, but there are more formats like eNewsletters, landing pages inside the email, or microsite with offers. There are many platforms and SaaS that help you to work and rely on your email strategy such as Mailchimp, ConstantContact among others.
On Triptico we have the tools and solutions that you need to use email as an engagement and conversion tactic. Give us a call.