Category: Advertising

  • Customer Driven: Un enfoque estratégico para garantizar el éxito de tu negocio o marca

    El enfoque Customer Driven o un enfoque centrado en el cliente es precisamente lo que esperas oir. Un enfoque estrategico que prioriza las necesidades y deseos del cliente o el consumidor antes que el producto. Principalemnte nos centramos en el cliente que adquirirá nuestro producto y no al revés.

    Por mucho tiempo las empresas se han enfocado en desarrollar un producto y como encjar este en la mente del consumidor, se invierte demasiado en mercadeo para promocionar ese producto, pero pasamos por alto el deseo y las necesidades que un posible consumidor realemnte tiene y es ahí donde pasamos la prueba de si ser efectivos i existosos.

    Una buena inversión en mercadeo no te garantiza el éxito de tu producto, conocer a tu público bien, sí. El mercadeo y la publicidad serán mecanismos de apoyo para diseminar tu mensaje o posicinar tu producto en la mente de ese consumidor.

    Para desarrollar una estrategia “Customer Driven” o centrada en el cliente, utilizaremos el libro: The Customer-driven Playbook de Travis Lowdermilk y Jessica Rich. El proceso que ellos plantean comienza con hipotetizar a tu cliente y su problema a resolver. En este primer proceso denominado como desarrollo de clientes o consumidor. Lo primero que haremos en el desarrollo de clientes es conocer cuál es el segemento de clientes que tenemos en mente, es importante estabelcer un segemnto de clientes ya que no podríamso impactar todo el mundo a la vez. Luego formularemos una hipotesis de nuestro cliente y coordinaremos visitas o reuniones con ellos para validar o no validar esa hipotesis.

    Al segmentar a nuestros clientes podemos comenzar con un perfil del cliente o un buyer persona. A este último por ser una representación gráfica y ficticia de nuestro cliente, le daremos un nombre ficticio. Una vez tenagamos nuestro segmento de clientes es recomendable comenzar con una investigación de escritorio (desktop research) para encontrar algún patrón o algún problema que podemos utilizar como punto de partida. Una vez hemos hecho esta investigación declaramos nuestra hipotesis.

    Ya contamos con suficiente datos de nuestro cliente y hemos hipotetizado sus necesidades, así como también lo hemos entreveistado. Ahora nos toca concptualziar una solución (Concepto) y le implemntaremos una característica principal (Feauture). Ya en esta fase desarrollamos el producto (o servicio, o marca o campaña publicitaria.

    Sí bien el enfoque “customer driven” o impulsado por el cliente es parecido al enfoque centrado en el cliente o “customer centricity” son dos conceptos diferentes. Ambos conceptos, sus principales atributos y difeencias los podemos discutir en otro blog.

    En resumen, para contar con un enfoque “customer-driven” o impulsado por el cleinte debemos enfocarnos en conocer bien quien es nuestro cliente y que problema enfrenta, luego desarrollamos un concepto con una característica importante que cubra las necesidades de ese cliente.

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  • The future of Television and Advertising

    vintage tv set reflecting lamp in building
    Television like others it is evolving.
    Photo by Anete Lusina on

    Recently, I was talking with a friend, who is a reporter on a sports channel, about television and its future. Well, I mentioned that the future is Hulu or Netflix, where you only need to pay $6 or $12 to get the video that you want, the content that you want at the hour that you want. The future of television is in demand.

    He proceeds to tell me that the television is moving forward in that direction, and the form of the television that we see right now, will change dramatically to a format where the audience can interact and do not be interrupted. The new model of business will be the subscription.

    Media like the New York Times, for example, are moving to create premium and exclusive content for its readers and if you want as a reader to get more detailed or deep articles you need to pay for a subscription. These subscription plans start at $1 per week. Cheddar, a news channel like MSNBC, has a plan where people can get a free month of the channel, but you need to pay $2.99 monthly.

    In this situation, one of the most hurt industries is the advertising one. This because the brands and clients have seen that the audience is not interested in the interruptive and annoying but in content that focuses on benefits and other relevant issues that matter to them. Gimlet Media, a podcast network, create a division for branded content named Gimlet Creative. This division creates content for brands, separates journalism and narrative shows. Something like that is the future of advertising.

    These are aspects that make us think that all media are changing the form and experience of how they have distributed their content and how to get new revenues in front of decay of the traditional way with broadcasting.

    HBO is making that change with HBO Go, Dinsey did it with Disney+, Fox News has Fox Nation. Also, you can see some shows of CNN, FOX News, MSNBC, or CBS on Hulu. This is a sign that the television future is online, on-demand, and streaming. There is no doubt.
    Then, what would happen with the advertising? The future should be branded and integrated into the content. People hate the interruptions and with that, in mind, the advertising has to see the incorporation of brands within the content. Let’s take Cheddar as an example. This news network, has several revenue incomes, among them an advertising revenue model where brands integrate the brands within the news interventions. This practice is not old, is so old as the television itself.

    Television keeps being one of the most relevant and predominant mediums in the world of digital and is one of the most effective by its reach and frequency, and for that, the television (or video) should be in a media plan even has a limited budget.

  • Types Of Google Ads Objectives

    Google Ads Logo

    Google Ads is today the principal revenue method of Google/Alphabet. 3.5 billion people search in Google per day. The platform lets access to the unlimited (or almost unlimited) pages of a lot of websites. Indisputably, Google is the most search engine uses in the world. Accordingly with Statcounter Google has a 92% of the search engine market share worldwide, at the top of Bing that has 2.69%.

    That insight makes Google one of the most important mediums to invest in and be considered in a paid media strategy. First of all, you have to check some aspects as your audience and market.

    One of the ways to maximize the Google Search Platform for your business is through the advertising platform Google Ads. With this platform, you have many options to promote and marketing your business that can fit perfectly with the objective that you desire or looking for.

    When you start using Google Ads, it would appear what mode of the campaign you prefer. You can select from two: Smart or Expert Mode, the first option is for a step-by-step, quick, and friendly guide if you don’t have expertise using the platform. On the other hand, you have the expert mode where you have to be specific in selecting your keywords, audience, type of campaign, and objective among others strategics components.

    The most important part of making the campaign is the first step, selecting the objective of it. Google Ads has 8 options:


    This option increases your sales if you have a store online. With this objective, you can track your customer journey and their behavior within the website. You can check what is the product page most visited among other actions that can help you to convert a sale. For more accurate insights you have to get a tracking code on your website.

    Potential Clients

    Sometimes you need people that are interested in your product or service to get a push through a demonstration or a discovery call. This option is better for that goal. With this alternative, the client or lead wants more information to make a decision.

    Web Traffic

    If you have a medium, a blog, or a fundraising page and you want to attract traffic to generate buzz, this is the kind of goal to focus your campaign. With the web traffic aim, you would generate visits to your site

    Brand and Product Consideration

    This goal is fine when you need the audience to explore your product or service and, in the future consideration to buy it. Great for when you are starting a service or product.

    Brand Recognition and Reach

    For this aim you just want that the people don’t forget your brand and keep in the mind of the consumer. The conversion would be in a long-term period instead a short one.

    App Promotion

    If you are a developer and have a new app and want to get more downloads this aim is for you.

    Local Store Visits

    This is a hybrid option for local business as restaurants, car dealers or boutiques. They promote the store on search engine and the list of the alternatives that the user is searching for appears

    What is the better option for you? What are you searching for? Have your doubts about how to start your paid media campaign with Google? Google is a great platform to get your business at the top of the search. We can help you to figure out what is the best alternative for you.

    Let’s talk: